Welcome to Taylor Made Web Sites
It seems you can't turn on the radio or television or see a billboard, sign or piece of mail these days that doesn't have a web site address listed or mentioned. Web sites are useful for individuals that want to share family pictures with relatives, organizations that want to get their message out, to businesses that want to stake their claim on a piece of the "net". If you fall into one of these categories, maybe we can help you.
Taylor Made Web Sites is a web site creation and maintenance company. Primarily focusing on small, easy to maintain and update web sites for individuals, companies and groups. We are a very affordable solution for your web site needs. We also have low-cost domain name registration, web hosting and e-mail services. If you want to build your own web site but need domain services. We can be your one-stop shop.
We also provide custom graphics including animations and backgrounds which are optimized for clarity and download speed. Check out our Services page for details on our other services. Visit our Portfolio page for examples of our work and work in progress.


For information not covered by our web site please e-mail with any questions.
This page, and all contents, are Copyright © , Taylor Made Web Sites. All Rights Reserved.